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2024-01-27 20:45:38

Latest book on the list for this year: Maus.
I read somewhere recently that this book had been banned from some US schools, which seems like a good reason to finally get around to reading it.
And as it's #Caturday too, here's a photo of our own little old lady reading #Maus on

A mad lies on a sofa looking at a black and white graphic book while stroking a black cat lying along side him.
2024-03-26 16:05:51

This guy at the #Buffalo airport is loudly shouting into his phone how he is flying to DC to “make a play on the Seneca territory, yeah, for a hundred acres.”
So just a reminder that when you have to fly somewhere “for politics,” versus a genuine business deal, that maybe broadcasting it as the loudest thing in the terminal is not the smartest thing in the terminal.
2024-03-03 18:09:31

I've had a little process running for the past year or so, totting up Mastodon "active monthly users". Occasional bumps up (one outstanding one last summer when Elon did something particularly idiotic) followed by long slow declines.
Was somewhat disappointed to see recent growth of about 250k turning out to be a phantom instance (telling lies via the API).

Line graph showing numbers at around 1.3m last year Feb/March, falling to a little over 1m in midsummer, followed by a jump to 1.7m. Since falling back to around 1m.
2024-04-04 17:36:12

Last night we used Kanopy to watch this movie. The synopsis Kanopy provides is very brief. The link below takes you to a much more thorough review.
It deals with difficult subject matter

An actor wearing British army officer's uniform from the first World War looks down to his right in a close up